Train travel is vital in Europe. To go to the next city, you take a train. To go to the next city, you take a train. To go to the next continent…well, a train. Most of the time finding out where to go is easy. Either looking online or on the yellow boards at the station, you find your destination and then the final destination of the train you are taking. Then go to the numbered platform at the correct time, and hop onboard.
This works most of the time…until you get on a train that splits. On rare occasions, all of the cars are hooked together traveling in the same direction…and then…all of a sudden the train splits in half. Half of the train starts going down one track and the other half, another. If you do not make a quick decision, or are just plain ignorant, you might end up on the wrong track traveling the opposite direction. You as the traveler started out going the right way, but the train started going left.
It is the same way with temptations. Many times as Christians, we become hard-core about the “You shall not…” list. “You shall not have anger,” “you shall not lust,” “you shall not covet…” yet we forget the true emotions behind the temptation. God created us to have emotion. It is not wrong to become angry…in the right situation. Do you remember Jesus with the Pharisees? How many times did he “Woe them” for being vipers and tombs? And have you looked at the people around you lately? Really…just look at them. God made people BEAUTIFUL! (And he made them nude, too.) But why do we take this train of the physical glory to Lust? And have you seen how many good things that your neighbor can do? I am guilty, too. I look at the talent of interpretation, singing, writing, creativity, and cooking, teaching, artistic abilities…whatever it may be…and instead of praising my Father for blessing my Siblings with these gifts, I covet. I wish to have what they’ve got. I took the wrong half.
You see, these emotions and original creations were made to glorify God. Our Father made these things to build a train that runs to His Home. Yet here we are, using the exact same blessings and we twist our motive. We were on the right “train of thought,” and then our train split.
Which half are you riding?
Genesis 2
Deuteronomy 20
Deuteronomy 32:35
Matthew 5:28
Matthew 23
Matthew 25:31-46
“Get Right Church”
Can you touch the end of a rainbow?
Where the sun shines clear and bright,
Can you touch the end of a rainbow?
Where the color is like light,
Can you touch the end of a rainbow?
There lies a pot of gold,
So wonderful the mystery
has never been told.
Can you touch the end of a rainbow?
Or is it just a myth?
Can you touch the end of a rainbow?
Or when-you get there will it shift?
Can you touch the end of a rainbow?
Or is there an end at all?
Maybe it is to inspire you,
To strive when rain may fall.
Can you reach your full potential?
Where your best comes to an end,
Can you reach your full potential?
Where your as mighty as the wind,
Can you reach your full potential?
There your best comes to a rest.
You have strived, labored, and toiled,
Until you have done your best.
Can you reach your full potential?
Or is this just a lie?
Can you reach your full potential?
Or will it break you if you try?
Can you reach your full potential?
Or maybe you never can.
Maybe it's there to make you strive,
To become a better man.
We met two people today.
The first man was a "Christian." I do not know his name. He thought we were homeless. He came up and offered money to us. And I asked him what made him come over to talk to us. And he said Jesus had told him to. And I asked if he could tell me about Jesus...
and he said "Some other time."
And then there is Clarence.
Clarence is homeless. We talked with him for about ten minutes. And we bought a puzzle from him. And he gave us words of encouragement. And we gave him some food. And he gave us a hug. And we talked about Jesus...
and he said "Right now."
Please, Lord, let me be like Clarence and want You right now.
Clarence's Words of Encouragement:
Peace, will it ever come?
Like a stream it will be on the run.
If it came, how will we act?
Will we stand up to it, or make it go back?
Will we be able to see the light?
Will we be happy or will we fight?
I can tell you how we will be,
because peace is something I would like to see.
Until the day comes I will say again,
as long as we fight, woe will never end.
So it seems to have become a popular trend to write "25 Things About Myself." And so many times it seems as though the last fact is "it's so hard to name 25 things about me!" Well how about Christ Jesus?
1. Jesus was homeless.
2. Jesus made a whip and used it.
3. Jesus's first miracle was turning water into wine.
4. Jesus put spit in someone's eyes.
5. Jesus walked on water.
6. Jesus was beaten, bruised, flogged, hit over the head, spit upon, speared, escaped death, and died, but...
7. Jesus is alive.
8. Jesus called one of His best friends "Satan."
9. Jesus talked to demons.
10. Jesus did not eat food for 40 days...and survived.
11. Jesus was a storyteller.
12. Jesus was a fortuneteller.
13. Jesus hung out with the drunkards, homeless, thieves, murderers, prostitutes, but told the Pharisees (aka the "church goers") that they were hypocrites.
14. Jesus "ran away from home" on several occassions...starting when he was just a kid.
15. Jesus got his tax money from a fish.
16. Jesus killed a tree.
17. Jesus invited Himself over for dinner.
18. Jesus sweat was like blood.
19. Jesus was a SUPERCHEF--He fed over 9,000 just 2 occassions.
20. Jesus came from a family of sinners (have you looked at his family tree lately?)
21. Jesus COMMANDED several people to become poor and thought it dumb to worry about money.
22. Jesus "broke the law."
23. Jesus became angry.
24. Jesus cried.
25. Jesus loves YOU.
Galatians 2:20 "I have been crucified with Christ; and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in )the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself up for me."
Once we were crucified, we became dead to self and alive in Christ.
1. Have you died?
2. Are you living FOR Christ AND is He living IN you?
3. Did you read those 25 things about the Christ who lives in us? How acceptable would it be to put SPIT IN SOMEONES EYES, or to admit that you TALK TO DEMONS, or that you go around hanging out with the DRUNKARDS, PROSITUTES, MURDERERS AND THIEVES? When did Christianity become the NORMAL thing to do and those who are Christians are ACCEPTABLE.
BE STRANGE! BE WEIRD! 1 Peter 2, Ephesians 2, Philippians 3...(I weary at putting any scriptures because of the fear you will just stop here.)
Jesus loves you.
Jesus live IN you...
Or does He?
To find out more about Jesus, you should know how do I get salvation.