
Tuesday, October 14, 2008


"It is a fact that once upon a time, before modern embalming techniques were in widespread use, people were found on rare occasions to have been buried alive. It's most likely, however, that 18th and 19th century horror stories involving premature burial were inspired by the medical discovery that victims of suffocation and drowning could be resuscitated — that, though they appeared dead, they really weren't. To say the least, this was a frightening realization for many people.

In any case, so strong was the fear of "precipitate interment" during the 19th century that some of the wealthier folk were known to stipulate in their wills that their coffins be outfitted with signaling devices ... just in case. "

Sometimes we humans bury ourselves alive. We take the past and shove it into the grave before it is ready to die. We hide it and cover it, six feet under, until it is silenced. And then starts to ring the bell. It signals our present back into our past and we start to uncover the truth.

And when we find it...

It is decapitated and rotting. It is falling apart---yet surviving. It was not ready to be now it lives. It lives in our hearts and our inmost being. We have tried to hide the past...and yet it is now uncovered.

So at this breaking point...
What will you do???

Will you put it to death and give it a proper burial?
Will you let it drive you down to the depths of the grave?

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