
Sunday, September 21, 2008


Have you ever noticed two traintracks that cross paths and combine into one track? It is a weird sight to behold. If you are walking along the track looking down at the intersection, it is hard to tell which track is which. They merge from two individual sets of rails into one straight and narrow path. As you step back you can tell from which direction each track has come from. As you look ahead you can see where both are equally going together in unison. As you look down you can see the combination of the two into one.

Marriage is much like two merging traintracks.

Two people have come from different places. They have traveled different paths. They are completely and utterly distiguishable. But as you look at the present you can see the lives merging into one. This one body makes it difficult to distinguish between each individual. But as you look on you can see the unity, they travel on the same path, and they bond together in the future.

Genesis 2:24

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